Happy Birthday SSP
Last year, I celebrated 10 years of being in business with SSP. I gave myself a moment of reflection and thanksgiving for those last ten years.
In February 2020, little did I know what was coming around the corner. This ‘weird flu from Wuhan’ was getting some airtime on the news. 2020 was looking great, my yearly round up here goes into more detail.
This year, I celebrate 11 years of being in business. This is likely to be the last year I celebrate SSP Unlocking Potential. Why? I’ll get to that.
SSP came from Studio Shed Productions. My first love has always been music and I built a ‘space’ for me back in 2007. My practice studio. Custom built and stronger than a bomb shelter! A family friend who built houses for a living came round during construction and marvelled at the over engineered wooden building at the end of my garden.

Powered, insulated, secure and a very lovely place to be. It’s original spec was a practice room for me. As a guitarist, bass player and a recordist — I even penned the odd song — it was great.
When I started the business, I didn’t use the Studio Shed. At that point, it was being used as a shed!
Moving from the house to the Studio Shed and then from the shed to Bletchley Park.
Now because of the circumstances— I write this in my garden office — the Studio Shed — 11 years after I started.
It’s funny how things turn out. Sometimes you need to come full circle to appreciate the journey you’ve taken. I don’t see it as a backwards step either, my viewpoint, goals, dreams, experience and what I have to offer my clients has evolved — immensely!
On now to the future. This is likely to be the last celebration of SSP, because of the new venture I started last year. Closing the chapter and the book and starting a new story with Exhibition Mastery.
I hope, I truly hope, that we are coming through this pandemic and, that later this year for the anniversary of Exhibition Mastery Ltd, I can share a picture of a celebration at an event — hopefully a face to face exhibition (remember those) or a training session with eager stand hands.
If you are as excited about what the future holds, or can’t wait for exhibitions — face to face or virtual — then we really need to talk. Get in contact with one of the ways below -I’d love to talk with you.
Happy February and to your best success
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